Unifight Competition Rules

Part I. The nature and system of carrying out competitions
Article 1. The nature of competitions
Article 2. The system of carrying out competitions
Part II. Participants of competitions
Article 3. Age groups of participants. Weight categories. Fight formulae. Round lengths. Number of
Article 4. Weighing of participants
Article 5. Admittance of participants competitions
Article 6. Rights and duties of participants
Article 7. Equipment of the participant
Article 8. Duties and rights of the team representative
Article 9. Seconds
Part III. What Universal Fight involves
Article 10. The obstacle strip
Article 11. Universal fight techniques
Article 12. The positions of fighters
Article 13. The conditions of fighters
Article 14. Hits
Article 15. Body slams
Article 16. Pain-inducing strokes
Article 17. Suffocating strokes
Article 18. Forbidden strokes and technical actions
Part IV. Assessment of strokes
Article 19. Assessment of strokes of fighters during the ring
Article 20. Assessment of forbidden strokes and actions during ring fights
Part V. Referees board
Article 21. Composition of the referees board
Article 22. Inspector, Chief referee, deputy chief referee
Article 23. Chief secretary, deputy chief secretary
Article 24. The chief of the ring
Article 25. The referee
Article 26. The side referee
Article 27. The sp-watch referee
Article 28. The technical secretary
Article 29. The score-board referee and the information referee
Article 30. The participants’ referee
Article 31. The doctor at the competition
Article 32. The commandant of the competition
Part VI. The rules of refereeing
Article 33. Refereeing of the competition at the obstacle strip
Article 34. length of the fight in the ring, number of matches during the ur, breaks between the match
Article 35. Refereeing of the fight in the ring
Article 36. The results of the round, the fight and the match
Article 37. Appeals
Part VII. The equipment of competition premises
Article 38. The ring
Article 39. Obstacle strip
Article 40. Requirements for the competition premises
Article 41. Sound signal, scales, sp-watches
Article 42. The score-board
Appendix 1 Structure and contents “Regulations of the competitions”
Appendix 2.1 The system of carrying-out the competitions of Unifight
Appendix 2.2 The form of the minutes of the competitions
Appendix 2.3 Minutes of the individual fights
Appendix 3 The determination of the of the results of the team championship. Minutes of the team match.
Appendix 4 Minutes of the team championship results
Appendix 5 Application
Appendix 6 Minutes of the weighing and casting lots
Appendix 7 Equipment of the participants
Appendix 8 Calculation of the required number of referees and servicing staff
Appendix 9 Act of acceptance of the competition premises
Appendix 10.1 Report of the competitions Chief referee
Appendix 10.2 Medical assistance report
Appendix 11 Fighter’s ID
Appendix 12 Terms and gestures
Appendix 13 The scheme of the obstacle strip for children of 6 9 years old and juniors of 12 13 years old
Part I. The nature and system of carrying out competitions
Article 1. The nature of competitions

  1. Universal fight is a dual event sports competition. The first part involves clearing a special strip of
    obstacles. The second part, which follows the first, is a hand–hand fight in a ring.
    For children of 6-13years old there is a second type of dual event – the match is organized on tatami or
    fighting carpet including the elements of free-style wrestling, judo, sambo and other kinds of fights.
  2. Competitions are divided in the following types:
    a) individual
    b) team
    c) individual-team
  3. The type of competition is defined by the Competition Regulations for each individual case (see appendix
  4. In individual competitions only individual places of participants are established.
  5. Team competitions are competitions between teams. In this event the places won by teams are
    established on the grounds of the results of a competition.
  6. Individual-team competitions establish the individual places of participants, and the place of a team is
    determined according the individual results of the members of the team, in compliance with the
    Competition Regulations.
    Article 2. The system of carrying out competitions
  7. Competitions are carried out in compliance with the principle of removal of the participant from the
    competition after he is beaten for the first time (the Olympic system). The winner of the final contest
    takes the first place, and the loser of the final contest takes the second one. The athletes who lose in
    semi-final get the third place. The competitions can be carried out as circular or mixed system under
    special conditions, separate weight categories.
    For the children of 6-13 years old competitions can be made with being-out after the first defeat, after two
    defeats or following the circle system (with a limited quantity of participants in a weight category up 4
    people). Winners and the places of the participants are identified according the «Regulations» and
    «Rules» of the fight competitions with the circle system.
  8. The order of matches between fighters (or teams) is normally established by means of a draw. In the
    process of the draw the strongest fighters and those fighters, who belong the same team can be
    re-allocated, if this is allowed by the Regulations.
  9. Formula of an individual competition
    Initially participants compete clear special obstacles strip (on parallel strips).
    The person who finishes first is the winner of the first event and receives one point.
  10. One minute after the finish on obstacle strip, the fighters are called in a ring and the second event begins
    – the hand–hand fight in a ring.
    For the children of 6-9 years old: the sportsmen are called tatami (the fight carpet) 1 minute after the finish.
    Number of rounds for children of 10-11 years – 2 rounds 1 minute each, in the final – 1,5 minutes.
    The number of rounds and their length depends on the age and the qualification of sportsmen, and also on
    the stage and ranking of a competition (article 3), which are established in the Regulations.
    The victory in a ring competition can be clear, in which case the fight in the ring and the contest finish
    before the appointed time. Otherwise, participant receives one point for each round that he wins.
    The overall winner of the double event is the person who obtained ahead-of-time victory in either the
    obstacle strip or the ring fight, and if this did not happen, the winner is the person with the most points when
    the results of the two events are added gether.
  11. Formula of a team competition
    A team competition consists of consecutive individual matches (one for each weight category starting with
    light weights), where teams present their fighters who have been registered and weighed in.
    The following criteria are used determining the winners of team competitions: the number of victories in
    individual matches, the quality of victories, and, when the number of victories is equal, the victory of
    matches in the heaviest weight category (see appendix 3, 1).
    Part II. Participants of competitions
    Article 3. Age groups of participants. Weight categories. Fight formulae. Round lengths. Number of
    6-7 years old 8-9 years old 10-11 years old 12-13years old
    boys girls boys girls boys girls boys girls
    18kg 18kg 28 kg 25kg 25kg 22kg 35kg 28kg
    20kg 20kg 31 kg 28kg 28kg 25kg 40kg 32kg
    22kg 22kg 35 kg 32kg 31kg 28kg 45kg 37kg
    24kg 24kg 40 kg 37kg 35kg 32kg 50kg 42kg
    26kg 26kg 45 kg 42kg 40kg 37kg 55kg 47kg
    28kg 28kg 45+ kg 42+kg 40+kg 37+kg 55+kg 47+kg
    30kg 30kg
    32kg 30+kg
    32+ kg
    14-15 years old* 16-17 years old* 18-20 years old
    18 years and older*
    boys girls boys girls men women men women
    45kg 32kg 55kg 37kg 60kg 45kg 60kg 48kg
    50kg 37kg 60kg 42kg 65kg 48kg 65kg 52kg
    55kg 42kg 65kg 47kg 70kg 52kg 70kg 57kg
    60kg 47kg 70kg 52kg 75kg 57kg 75kg 63kg
    65kg 52kg 75kg 57kg 80kg 62kg 80kg 70kg
    70kg 52+kg 80kg 62kg 85kg 70kg 85kg 78kg
    70+kg 80+kg 62+kg 90kg 70+kg 90kg 78+kg
    95kg 95kg
    95+kg 95+kg
    «winter unifight» 80kg 62kg
    *weight categories among boys and girls (14-15 years old), boys and girls (16-17 years old), juniors
    (18-20 years old), men and women (18 years old and over) are the same in the discipline of “Light
  12. Age is established on the day of the competition.
  13. Only adults may compete for absolute first place.
  14. Fights must always finish at the allotted time.
    Article 4. Weighing of participants
  15. The rules and the time of weighing participants are established in the Regulations.
  16. The weighing is done once on the first day of competitions of a particular weight category, or on the day
    before, and lasts for an hour.
    If weighing in is made on the day of competitions, then it should be over no later than 3 hours before the
    beginning of competitions.
    Participants have the right weigh themselves, as a check, on the official scales, during the hour before the
    official weighing.
  17. Participants should be weighed either naked or wearing only underpants.
  18. Before weighing, a participant must present a document with a phograph on prove his identity.
  19. Weighing is carried out of a team of referees, appointed by the chief referee. The team consists of: the
    deputy chief referee, a doctor, a secretary and 2 referees. The results of weighing in are recorded in the
    record of proceedings (see appendix 6).
  20. A participant who is late for the weighing or fails attend is not entitled take part in the competition.
    Article 5. Admittance of participants competitions
  21. The terms of admittance of participants competitions, their sports equipment, qualification and age, and
    also the list of documents, which should be provided the credentials committee, are stipulated by the
    Compulsory documents include:
    d) fighters’ passport (see appendix 11)
    e) insurance policy
  22. The application of an organisation for the participation of its members in a competition must be made on
    the standard form (see appendix 5) and must include the signatures, backed up by official stamps, of the
    director of the organisation which is sending fighters the competition, and a coach and a doctor who
    verify that each fighter is prepared for the competition. Doctor’s signature: “Admitted. Doctor:
    (signature)”, stamp – obligatory for each admitted participant.
  23. Participants are normally admitted competitions by a credentials committee (the members of which are
    appointed by the organisation in charge of the competition) The committee is made up of a representative
    of the organisation, chief referee or his deputy, chief secretary or his deputy, chief doctor and members of
    the committee who check that application forms meet the requirements stipulated by the regulations. The
    representative of the organisation which organises the competition is responsible for the decision about
    who may participate.
  24. In a competition a participant is entitled compete only in the weight category which was established for
    him during weighing.
  25. The admittance of young participants above 17 a competition of juniors is possible with permission of
    the organisation, which is in charge of the competition. In this case in order be admitted a young
    participant needs an extra certificate signed by a doctor and a coach, confirming that this participant is
    fit take part in the competition.
    Juniors are eligible for participation in competitions for adults.
  26. The admittance of sportsmen of a lower grade competitions of higher grades is allowed by the
    regulations. In this case rules for competitions of sportsmen of higher grades must be applied. Adult
    sportsmen of the first grade may enter competitions for masters of the sport.
  27. Organizers of a competition are not liable for injuries or accidents, which may occur during the
    competition, as long as all the regulations are observed.
    Article 6. Rights and duties of participants
  28. A participant must:
    A) be checked by the credentials committee and officially weighed
    b)strictly observe all the rules and the competition programme
    c) follow the orders of referees
    d) have a second
    e) immediately appear at the place of the competition upon receiving a summons from the board of
    f) immediately notify the secretariat, via his representative, if for any reason he is unable continue
    g) be courteous wards participants, referees, organising staff and spectators
    h) shake hands with his opponent before and after the competition
    i) have a short nails and tidy sportswear.
  29. A participant has the right:
    a) check his weight on the official scales 1 hour before the beginning of the competition
    b) receive information in good time about the course of the competition, who will participate in the
    next round, changes in the programme of the competition, etc.
    c) use the services of two seconds in contact time (before and after the match and also during breaks
    between rounds)
    d) be provided with medical assistance, for no more than 3 minutes tally (when 4 rounds – not more
    than 5 minutes), when clearing obstacles, during a pause before the beginning of a match in the ring,
    or during a match in the ring
    e) during the match use no more than 2 minutes tally fix the equipment individually or with the help of
    the seconds without prolonging breaks (when 4 rounds – not more than 3 minutes)
    f) refuse continue a match at any stage
    g) turn the referee board:
  • during the breaks in the match either with the help of the team representative or , in the absence of
    the representative, personally;
  • via seconds during the breaks between rounds.
    Article 7. Equipment of the participant
  1. The equipment of the participant includes: a sports suit and protection appliances
  2. The sports suit comprises a loose sports jacket (kimono type) with a belt, trousers of a special cut and
    special footwear.
    The jacket and the belt should be made of strong, single-ned, red or blue cotton.
    The sleeve of the jacket should reach the wrist, and the width of the sleeve should be such that all through
    the sleeve the distance between the arm and the sleeve is no less than 10 cm.
    The belt should be able be turned twice around the body, should fit closely and be tied in at the front in a
    flat knot which will hold gather both turns. The ends of the belt should be no longer than 20-25 cm. The
    flaps of the jacket should not be more than 20-25 cm below the belt.
    Shoes are made of soft leather, with a soft flexible sole, without any sharp protruding parts. All stitches
    should be inside. The ankle and the foot in the region of the big e must be protected by small felt insertions
    covered in leather.
    Participants may wear trainers while competing on the obstacle strip.
  3. The track suit and protective equipment – gloves, foots and helmet, mouthpiece, shin-pads, and shell –
    must sample in annex 7. For juniors of 12-13 year old and youths of 14-15 years old special headgear
    with face protection and gloves should be used.
    When carrying out the competitions for children of 8-11 years old kimono and sports shoes (at the obstacle
    strip) are used, and shoes with a soft flexible sole are used on tatami.
    While effecting the competitions among girls, junior girls and women the combats in the rings are be made
    with special breastplates and protecting helmets.
  4. In team competitions members of one team should have identical sports wear, which may
    include a logo of the team or the emblem of their country of origin.
  5. It is forbidden wear rings, bracelets, earrings, chains and other jewellery, and have long hair,
    a beard, or a moustache, as these could cause injuries.
  6. Hands’ wrists are not bandaged.
    Article 8. Duties and rights of the team representative
  7. The official representative of the team acts as an intermediary between the referee board and the
    participants put forwards by a certain organisation. He leads the team and is in charge of the discipline
    and the behaviour of participants. If a team does not have an official representative, his duties are
    performed by a coach or a team captain.
  8. The team representative must:
    a) know the current rules, the contents of the Regulations and the programme of a competition
    b) provide on time an application the credentials committee for the participation of a team in a
    competition as well as all other necessary documents
    c) be present at joint meetings of the referees board and representatives of teams
    d) inform his team members about the decisions taken by the referees board
    e) ensure that the team members arrive at the competition on time
    f) be at a special representative place throughout the time when his team members are competing and
    leave it only with the chief referee’s permission.
  9. The representative has the right:
    a) present reconsidered claims in accordance with the Regulations, but not later than 1 hour before the
    competitions start;
    b) be present at the weighing and the draw;
    c) have all the information concerning the carrying out and results of the competition;
    d) make remarks and participate in the discussion of questions during joint meetings of referees and
    e) put applications (disagreements) based on the present regulations, with the obligatory reference the
    paragraphs of the regulations that were violated.
  10. The team representative must not:
    a) interfere with the work of the referees and organizers of the competition
    b) be a referee at the same time
    c) give instructions participants during a match, being close the ring
  11. The team doctor is its representative in terms of medical questions and he bears responsibility for the
    provision of medical service all the members of the team. He is entitled apply chief doctor for the
    removal of team members from the competition because of health reasons.
  12. A representative can be dismissed from leading the team if he violates the Regulations or neglects his
    duties. The organisation of which team that he represents is a part must be informed of his dismissal.
  13. A representative (coach, captain, doctor) of a team can be disqualified and removed from the
    competition for disrespect any member of the referees board.
    Article 9. Seconds
    1.During a match seconds (but not more than 2 persons) must be next the ring, stay there and assist the
    fighter during contact time.
    2.Seconds must also grant help the fighter during a round
    a) in case of injuries, following the instructions of a doctor
    b) fix the equipment of the fighter, following the instructions of a referee
    3.One of the seconds is entitled be in the ring during contact time before the second measurer commands:
    “Seconds – out of the ring!”
    4.A second is entitled present a fighter’s refusal participate in a match at any stage, except when the referee
    starts count.
    5.It is forbidden for a second give advice, help or encourage the fighter during a match. If the second
    violates the rules, he may first be reprimanded, and then, if he offends again, he may be suspended. If the
    fighter has only one second, the fighter himself can be reprimanded.
    6.A second who has gone away from the ring may not be a second for the rest of that day. If he leaves the
    ring more than once then he may no longer play any part in the competition.
    Part III. What universal fight involves
    Article 10 A. The obstacle strip
  14. The obstacle strip consists of 7-10 stages depending on the age group and level of the tournament. It
    must include stages and which require demonstration of strength agility and speed shooting, skills and
    ability throw knives, and overcoming hurdles. Juniors instead of shooting and throwing tennis balls.
  15. The elements of the obstacle strip are decided on the suggestions of members of the Federation and
    confirmed by the Presidium of the Federation with consideration of the age group of participants. All
    elements of the obstacle strip must be precisely described and meet the safety requirements.
  16. The exact elements (stages) of the obstacle strip and their arrangement in a hall depend on the level of
    the competitions, abilities of the sports facilities and category of the participants (adults, juniors,
  17. The obstacle strip consists of: Distance length must be up 60m long and includes:
    ● a start line (1);
    ● labyrinth (2);
    ● gymnastic beam or its analogous (3);
    ● fence H=2m, width 2-3m, for juniors and intermediate youths with support –beam 5 x 5 cm on the height
    0,5m above floor level or ground level (4);
    ● horizontal ladder H=2,5 m, L= 4m (for 12-13 years old cover 2m,
    for 14-15 years old –3m) (5);
    ● place for pneumatic gun shooting at a target of 210x297mm size (can be a falling target) or paint-ball
    gun shooting at a round target (red or blue colour) with diameter of 40cm for adults and juniors from a
    distance up S=15m, for senior youths from a distance up S=12m, intermediate youths up S=10m,
    juniors up S=8m (7);
    ● place for throwing at the target: Throwing of the special certified knife approved by the Federation from
    3m distance for adults and juniors and senior youths 16-17 years old and intermediate youth 14-15 years
    old. For junior youths of 12-13 years old – tennis ball throwing from a distance of 3m at the target board
    with hole of 210x297mm in diameter (hole in the back of the board has a net for catching balls which hit
    the target) (8);
    ● a horizontal tube L=3m, height of the slope =0,8m (9);
    ● a sloping net 6-8m high, sloping at 60°, width 4-5 m in the upper part of the net, hole –diameter 0,7 m
    for climbing the rope (10);
    ● a cable H=6 m (11).
  18. Participants start at the same time, complete all the stages on parallel strips, and finish at the ring.
  19. Participants complete the obstacle strip in the following way:
    ● Standing start position after the command “marsh” or shooting the start gun – run 5-7 meters (1)
    ● Overcome the labyrinth (2)
    ● Cross the fence (3) by “catching on” or “by means of force», for intermediate 14-15 years old and junior
    youths 12-13 years olds with the use of additional support or with assistance by the obstacle.
    ● Cross the hang – climbing manual horizontal ladder (4), beginning at the first rung and jumping off from
    the last. For junior youths 12 – 13 year olds cover ladder L = 2 m. For intermediate youth 14 – 15 year
    olds L = 3 m.
    ● Cross the horizontal tube (tunnel) (5).
    ● Shoot at the target (pneumatic gun or paint ball gun) (6). Weapon is at the shooting range. Two shots
    from the paint ball gun ( the first hit of the target) and one shot from the pneumatic gun.
    ● Throw a knife at a target (7) from a distance of 3m. (Throwing tennis ball for junior youths 12 – 13 years
    old). Two throws ( the first hit).
    ● Cross the beam (8): run up the slope on the beam, run along the beam, jump off the end of the beam.
    ● Cross the sloping net (9) in any way.
    ● Go through in the opening of the net, go down the 6m high vertical cable (10), by the way of running
    ones’ arms over the half of the cable middle up the point of 2 meters. Jump down. Run the ring.
    ● Finish at the ring uching the ring podium or upper rope of the ring with hand if the ring is installed on
    the same level with hurdles.
    Participants may have no more than 3 attempts at crossing each obstacle. If the athlete fails clear the hurdles
    he looses.
    For failure hit a target when shooting and throwing a knife (throwing of the tennis ball for junior youths)
    the athlete is given additional crossing of an obstacle which preceding the strip of shooting (throwing) and
    one penalty point (each of the elements) which is given the opponent before the beginning of the fight (in the
    second round).
    The athlete who finishes first with 10 15 seconds time difference gets point, which is added the second
    round. For each consequent 5 seconds of advantage athlete is given 1 point.
    ARTICLE 10B. The obstacle strip for children of 8 13 years old. General demands.
  20. Obstacle strips for children of 8 13 years old can be equipped with different obstacles (elements) in
    variety of their combinations at the distance of and consist of 6 10 elements (obstacles). Appendix 13.
  21. Depending on the size of the sports hall or open air site (at gymnastic-sports gorodki (kind of skittles)) a
    fixed or as a rule transforming obstacle strips with the space for pneumatic guns shooting and tennis
    balls throwing in the target is equipped.
  22. The contents of the obstacle strip include obstacles and elements which could develop and improve
    different physical qualities (quickness, strength, fortitude) and moving skills (in climbing, climbing over
    obstacles, crawling, specials skills in shooting, objects throwing etc.).
  23. The variant of equipping the obstacle strip for children from 8 13 years old and the way of overcoming
    its elements:
    №1. – start line – width 5-7cm. length =1m. At the signal (command) of the referee-starter run 5-8m.
    №2 – gymnastic bench (typical) or plank – width =20сm, length= 4-5m. Thickness =5 cm. From the running
    start run on the bench (plank) and run it through the opposite end, jump down the floor and run 5-8 meters
    the next element.
    №3 – snake (labyrinth) – marked with handstands in a form of heavy stuffed balls or plastics cones, pyramids
    and other analogous objects meeting the requirements of the traumatic safety for children which are put at
    the distance creating equilateral triangles with sides = 1m (ac. scheme), 5 handstands. Overcoming this
    obstacle participants overrun all the handstands snake-like from left the right without uching them.
    №4 –tunnel (horizontal tube) – length=3 m, height= 0,8m. Construction is made from wire framework and
    covered with a net, installed on the floor or special pedestal. It is overcome by crawling.
    №5 – gymnastic vaulting horse (fence) – typical «gymnastic vaulting horse» is installed at the maximum
    height of 120-130сm across the way of movement. Instead of «horse» there can be installed a steady wooden
    fence, width= 2m, height=130сm, thickness= 5сm (planks – 50mm). Overcoming the obstacles above by
    means of any method of crawling run farther the area of shooting.
    №6 – pneumatic guns shooting like «paintball» from the starting point «lie-down», at the distance of =
    8-10m, with two shots ( 1 hit) hit the target (circle with diameter of 40cm, red or blue color) or when
    shooting from the pneumatic pistol in the falling-down target of 210x297mm or blown balls input in a hole
    of the same diameter. There is only 1 shot given. After hitting the target run the throwing area. Distance of
    №7 – balls throwing – from the standing point at the distance of 3m, in the special target – hole of 210x297mm
    in the stand with net – basket for balls gathering, hit the target with one of 2 balls (until the first hit).
    In case of missing the target when shooting or ball throwing a participant is punished with a penalty in a way of
    double overcoming of the previous obstacle as a rule this is a tunnel (horizontal tube).
    №8 finish – run the distance =15m until the finish line and continue with tatami combat.
    Note: in case of limited number of participants and extra time the organizers (acc. the Regulations) can include
    overcoming the obstacle strip in the reverse way with getting over the obstacles by the same means or by
    changing them, for example:
    ● «horse» – overcome by crawling under it
    ● «tunnel» – overcome by crawling with legs forward (reverse movement)
    ● «snake» (labyrinth) – overcome by running around (360 degrees) 3 handstands standing in one
    ● «bench» – overcome by jumping over the bench with both legs from one side another.
    Organizers of the child competitions are entitled propose other variants of equipping the obstacle strip but all of
    this must be included in the Regulations of the competition.
    p.5 Participants of 2 people at one time (according the draw) go through all the stages at the parallel strips.
    Participants finish by running marked finish line.
    p.6 of the rules for adults is used in the part describing children age groups.
    ARTICLE 10C. The match in the ring or on tatami
  24. After overcoming the obstacle strip and appropriate preparation (within not more than 1 minute)
    children of 8-9 and 10-11 years old carry out the match on tatami by using the throwing techniques,
    making painful methods (up 5 seconds) following article 15 of the rules and article 18 points 3, 6, 7 (in
    the part of fighting, subparagraph “c” – more than 10 seconds, subparagraph “e” – crossing the boarder
    of tatami) and points 8, 9, 10.
    Hitting techniques for children of this age group are forbidden.
  25. Junior youths of 12-13 years old carry out the matches on tatami or in a ring by using the whole arsenal
    of technical methods, used in “Universal fight” except for kicks in the head which are forbidden for this
    age group of youths.
    Article 11. Universal fight techniques
  26. During the ring fight fighters are only allowed use controlled hits, body slams, inducing pain and
    suffocating methods in certain positions.
  27. During the matches on tatami and in the ring children of 8-9 and 10-11 years old use the throwing
    techniques and while parterre match use passages for painful methods or suffocating hold.
    Junior youth of 12-13 years old use all techniques of the «Universal fight» methods during the matches but
    with limits indicated in article 10B point 2.
    Article 12. The position of a fighter
  28. Standing – the fighter inches the ring only with his feet
  29. Lying – the fighter inches the ring with some part(s) of his body other than his feet
  30. Fighting when standing – both fighters are standing
  31. Fighting when lying – both fighters are lying
  32. Fighters are considered be “outside the ring” if:
    a) During the match when standing part of one of the fighters is caught between the ropes, or leaning
    over the ropes the upper part of his body goes beyond the ropes.
    b) During the fighting when lying part of one of the fighters is caught between the ropes, and also if the
    shoulders or both legs (up the knees) of one of the fighters is caught under the ropes.
  33. When lying and also when falling after body slams or during the transition fighting when
    lying the fighter can find himself in the following positions:
    a) On the back – when the fighter inches the surface of the ring with both shoulder blades or does a
    “non-sp roll” on his back (from one shoulder blade on another or diagonally from a butck a
    shoulder-blade). The “bow” position, when the fighter has his back the ring and uches it only with
    the soles of his feet and his head, is equal the “back” position.
    b) On the side – when the fighter uches the surface of the ring with one shoulder-blade, and his back at
    the level of his shoulder-blade creates an angle of up 90° with the ring. The “semi bow” position –
    when the fighter is turned with his back the ring and uches it only with his feet, head and shoulder –
    is equal the “side” position.
    Notice: for children of 8-13 years old regulations of article 12 are used for tatami matches without using
    hitting techniques by hands and legs but the painful methods are made until they become obvious (seizure
    the method).
    Article 13. The condition of a fighter
  34. As a result of a hit, body slam, or pain inducing or suffocating attack, a fighter may find himself in one of
    the following positions:
    a) “knock out” – cannot defend himself any more; at that moment the referee sps the match and starts
    count; before the count of 10 the competitor cannot come and stand up
    b) “out” – cannot defend himself any more because of a successful pain-inducing or suffocating attack,
    and confirms this by surrendering
    c) “knock down” – temporary loss of the ability of protect himself; the referee sps the match and starts
    count, and before he reaches 8 the competitor recovers completely and stands up
    Article 14. Hits
  35. Features that define a controlled hit:
    a) it must be made the permitted area
    b) it mast be correct technique
  36. Permitted areas for attack:
    a) front and side of the head
    b) trunk of the body (except the spine, kidney area and groin)
    c) arms (except the elbow of an outstretched arm)
    d) legs, including the outer part of the hips.
  37. A hand-hit or kick is considered correct if it does not hit any of the forbidden areas.
  38. Permitted degree of contact: in a fight hits with full contact the attacked area are allowed, as long as they
    are not in forbidden positions.
  39. An effective hit is strong, concentrated, precise punch (or kick) in the permitted area of the body.
    Article 15.BODY SLAMS.
  40. A body slam is an action of a standing fighter in grip, which results in his competitor losing his balance
    and falling uching the surface of the ring with some part of his body other than the soles of his feet.
  41. The beginning of the body slam is the beginning of the fall and off-balance of the attacker.
  42. A body slam without a fall (standing) is a body slam during which (from the beginning the end) the
    attacker remains standing.
  43. A body slam with a fall is a body slam in which the attacker is initially standing but then gradually
    changes his position and ends up lying or leaning over the lying competitor keep his balance.
  44. A standing body slam of a competitor is made standing. It is equal body slams where the attacker
    transfers his competitor from the horizontal position standing or completely takes him off the floor, raises
    him above the belt line level and then throws him down, turning him around a horizontal axis.
  45. A counter body slam is one in which the defending fighter takes the initiative from the attacker and
    throws him, changing the nature or direction of the attacker’s fall.
  46. A controlled body slam is one where the attacker, without doing anything which is forbidden, gives his
    opponent protection or allows his opponent protect himself.
  47. When carrying out the matches on tatami (carpet) the body slam is counted if the sportsman making it
    uches the boarder of tatami (carpet) with any part of his body at the end of the slam.
    Article 16. Pain-inducing strokes
  48. A pain-inducing stroke is a grip of a hand or a leg of a competitor during the fighting while lying which
    allows the following actions be performed: bending (lever), turning in the joint (knot), muscle and
    sinew strangulation, and makes the man admit defeat.
  49. The beginning of the pain-inducing stroke is considered take place when the attacker holds an extremity
    of his opponent so that he causes him pain or overcomes his protective grip.
  50. When in pain or suffocation a competitor can signal his readiness surrender by shouting loudly
    “Enough” (or anything else), or by clapping twice with a hand or a foot on the floor or the attacker’s
  51. Pain-inducing strokes are only allowed when the competitor (the one who is attacked) remains lying.
    The attacker may remain standing.
  52. Pain-inducing strokes must be spided:
    a) if the fighters are outside the ring
    b) if the attacked fighter pulls himself in a standing position and pushes the body (or shoulders) of the
    attacker outside the ring
    c) if the attacked fighter uses his leg achieve a firm standing position.
  53. A controlled pain-inducing stroke is one during which the attacker smoothly (not abruptly) increases the
    pressure applied, using permitted techniques and leaving the competitor a chance surrender.
    Article 17. Suffocating strokes
  54. A suffocating stroke occurs when a fighter presses the carotid arteries or throat of his opponent with the
    flaps of his jacket, his forearm, shoulder or shin. As a result the attacked man surrenders or loses
  55. The beginning of a suffocating stroke is considered take place at the moment of a grip, which starts this
    suffocating stroke or overcomes a protective grip.
  56. Suffocating strokes are only allowed when the attacked man is lying. The attacker can remain standing.
  57. The suffocating stroke must be spped immediately if the attacked man achieves a stable standing
    position or if both competitors are out of the ring.
  58. A controlled suffocating stroke is one in which the attacker, using the permitted grips and actions,
    smoothly (not abruptly) increases the effort and leaves the competitor a chance surrender.
    Article 18. Forbidden techniques and technical actions
  59. During a fight it is forbidden use techniques which:
  • Which are dangerous for health (pp.2, 3, 4, 5, 6,).
  • Create impediments the normal running of a fight (p.7).
  • Which violate discipline and ethical standards of the sport (pp.8,9).
  1. The following are forbidden:
  • punches a competitor who is lying down
  • punches with a head, knee, elbow, forearm, fist, palm (open or closed), fingers
  • punches the forbidden areas: neck, back of the head, p of the head, spine, kidneys, groin or
    inside hip, below the belt, shin, arm and leg joints, instep
  • punches from above the head with a foot or heel
  • punches from above the part of the head not covered by the helmet
    Leg movements like knee-wheels, grape which are applied during corresponding body slams are not
    considered punches and are not forbidden.
  1. During a match it is forbidden perform the following body slams:
  • the head
  • with a grip of the competitor carry out a pain-inducing stroke
  • deliberately fall on the competitor with one’s whole body
  1. During a match it is forbidden use the following pain-inducing strokes:
  • if the attacked man is standing
  • abruptly
  • the backbone and neck twist
  • bending an arm behind the back and also pain-inducing strokes applied hands
  • a knee lever, which is made not in the normal bending area, twisting of a leg, knots the foot.
  1. During a match it is forbidden use the following suffocating strokes:
  • if the attacked man is standing
  • abruptly
  • using fingers
  • squeezing the competitor’s nose and mouth
  • crossing legs on the competitor’s neck
  • stretching out the crossed legs on the swimming ribs.
  1. During a match it is forbidden, for safety reasons:
  • attack and counter attack with non-controlled actions and techniques and also neglecting self
    protection and security
  • turn one’s back or the back of one’s head the competitor
  • continue fighting after the gong and a clear command from the referee sp
  • squeeze the head of the competitor, press it against the ring, put your palm of the hand on the
    competitor’s face, scratch and bite the competitor
  • stamp on the competitor’s feet, press the elbow or a knee against any part of the competitor’s
  • grip separate fingers on the feet or hands of the competitor
  • move the mouthpiece in the opponent’s mouth or deliberately throw it off
  • perform any other actions which may result in injuries.
  1. The actions which create impediments a normal running of the match are as follows:
  • gripping the rope; deliberating creating an “out of the ring” situation
  • getting on the floor without warning interrupt the attacker’s actions
  • gripping the competitor while standing for more than 5 seconds without applying any body slam
    or punch attack
  • for the children of 8-13 years old – more than 10 seconds
  • constant violation of the distance by stepping back without attempting continue the attack or
  • prolonging break times during the match
  1. The following are considered violations of ethical standards:
  • try injure the adversary with illegal actions
  • simulation of an injury
  • loss of self-control: rude and incorrect behaviour wards the adversary, participants, referees or
  1. The following are considered violations of discipline:
  • the fighter does not appear at the competition
  • the fighter is late appear in the ring
  • the fighter appears in the ring in an unprepared state
  • speaking in the ring
  • non-subordination the commands or indications of the referee.
  1. If referees do not notice that one of the fighters has done something, which is forbidden, the adversary is
    entitled signal about it making a gesture or saying something.
    If false signal is forbidden and is punished like other forbidden actions.
    Part IV. Assessment of techniques
    Article 19. An assessment of techniques of fighters in the ring
  2. Advantage is established on the basis of the state of the adversary after the attack or counter attack.
  3. A “clear victory” is declared when a fighter causes the following his adversary:
  • Knock out
  • Pain-inducing stroke
  • Suffocating stroke
  • Knock down (twice in the round)
  • Knock down (three times in the match).
    For the children of 8-11 years old:
    ● having the priority of 10 points in a round after the competitor gets the 3-d warning, for sprint on
    the back with a fall and hold of the competitor on his back for more than 10 seconds
  1. 3 points are given the fighter for the following:
  • Knock down
  • A body slam on the back without falling.
    For the children of 8-11 years old:
    ● sprint on the back without a fall
    ● sprint on the back with a fall and the following passage making a painful mode (suffocating
    mode) within not less than 5seconds fixed by the referee
  1. 2 points are given a fighter who makes:
  • a body slam on the back with a fall
  • a body slam on the side without a fall
  • kicks his opponent’s head.
    For children 8-11 years old:
    ● sprint on the back with a fall;
    ● sprint on the back without a fall
  1. 1 point is given a fighter who makes
  • strikes his opponent’s body or head with his hand
  • kicks his opponent’s body or outer hip
  • body slams at his opponent’s abdomen or butcks or a body slam on the side with himself falling
  • unbalancing with support on the third point
    For children of 8-11 years old:
    ● sprint on abdomen (belly) and butcks;
    ● sprint on a side with a fall
    Notice: other paragraphs of article 19, as well as other parts of the Regulations are fully used with
    limits indicated in the present rules for children of 8-13 years old.
  1. Where competitors have equal opportunities they do not receive points for technical actions (equal
  2. Fighters only receive points for body slams, which they carry out starting from a standing position.
  3. If neither of the fighters gains points in a round then the board of referees declares “AR” and decides, by
    means of a vote, which fighter has been more active in the round, and accords him the victory.
    Table 1. Assessment of the techniques of fighters
    Technique or the result M a r k s
    X 3 2 1 AR
    1.Knock out X
    2.Pain-inducing stroke X
    3.Suffocating stroke X
    4.Knock down (2 in a round or 3 in a
    5.Knock down 3
    6.Body slams on the back without
    falling with a big amplitude
    7.Body slams on the back with falling,
    body slams on the back without falling
    with a small amplitude
    8.Body slams on the side without
    9.Kicking the head 2
    10.Punch with the hand the body
    (trunk) or head
    11.Kicking the body (trunk) or outer
    12.Body slams on the abdomen or
    butcks or on the side with falling
    13.Throwing the opponent down while
    losing one’s balance and leaning on
    14.Activeness according the decision
    of the board of referees
    Article 20. Assessment of forbidden moves and actions during ring fights
  4. An assessment of forbidden strokes and actions in the ring is made as follows:
    a. If a fighter uses a pain-inducing stroke or an action for the first time (see article18), he is reprimanded
    b. If the fighter violates the Regulations for the second time, he is reprimanded once again and his
    adversary gets 1 point (P1);
    c. If there are further violations the fighter is reprimanded for the second time and his adversary gets 2
    points (P2);
    d. In the case of third warning, it’s a normal practice announce his defeat in the match and a clear
    victory is conferred his adversary (PX);
  5. A fighter can obtain up 3 official reprimands during a fight.
  6. All the points received by the fighter for the reprimands his adversary are not considered be technical.
  7. For late appearance on the obstacle strip up 1min – 1min 20sec after the second call notice is given the
    athlete, more than 1min 20sec – the first warning, more than1min 40sec – the second warning, more than
    2min – non appearance and disqualification.
    For late appearance in the ring up 20sec after the second call notice is given the athlete, more then 20sec
    – first warning, more than 40 sec – the second warning, more than 1min – non-appearance and
    In the case of retreating during 20sec notice is given, another 10sec – the first warning, another 10sec –
    the second warning, another 10sec – the fighter loses.
  8. If a fighter commits other forbidden actions, listed in Article 18, then depending on the degree of
    seriousness of the violation, the fighter may immediately receive a first reprimand.
  9. If a fighter is carrying out a technical action and at the same time his adversary is violating the
    Regulation, the actions of the fighter are assessed, and his adversary is punished depending on the degree
    of the violation of the Regulations.
  10. Injuries during the match:
    a) The doctor of the competition establishes the presence and seriousness of an injury and whether or not
    the competitor is able continue with the competition. The referee decides who is guilty for injuring
    his adversary.
    b) The fighter, who has injured his adversary in such a way that he is not able continue the match, is
    withdrawn from the match (as per the decision of the board of referees). If he has clearly violated the
    Regulations, he is withdrawn from the competition and his adversary is announced the clear winner.
    c) If a fighter is injured so badly that he cannot continue the match, but not through the fault of his
    adversary, then he is declared be defeated and his adversary is announced the winner of the
    d) If both participants receive injuries which prevent them from continuing the competition, and if this is
    nobody’s fault, the victory is conferred according the points previously received by the participants
    or at the decision of the referees.
    Table 2. Assessment of forbidden strokes and actions
    Violation of the
    X 2 1
    reprimand *
    reprimand *
    reprimand *
    Part V. Referees board
    Article 21. Composition of the referees board
  11. Referees board is formed in accordance with recommendations of the corresponding federation of
    Universal fight and is affirmed of the organisation, which is in charge of the competition. This should be
    done no later than 20 days before the beginning of the competition.
  12. The referees board consists of the chief referee and his deputy, heads of referees teams of the 1
    st and 2
    types of the double event, the chief secretary and his deputy, referees teams of the obstacles line and ring
    matches, an information officer, a doctor and the manager of the competition. A calculation of the
    number of referees needed is given in appendix 8. An inspector of the competitions can be appointed out
    of the national or international referee’s board by the national or international federations in special
  13. A referee’s team of the obstacle strip includes referees of the start and finish, 2 referees for the obstacle
    strip (one for each direction), 2 referees be at the edge of the firearms shooting and 2 for the edge of the
    knife-throwing area (1 for each direction), and participants’ referees.
  14. Referees team for ring matches includes a referee, 3 side referees, a timekeeper, technical secretary, and
    a referee, who seats at the score board.
  15. Each referee must have a uniform, a referee card, and a copy of the competition rules. He must also
    know the rules.
  16. The referees’ uniform consists of dark trousers, white shirt with short sleeves reaching the elbow, a red
    armband on his left arm and a blue one on his right arm, a black bow-tie, soft, flat black sports shoes
    without heels and black socks. On the left side of his shirt there should be a logo indicating the referee’s
  17. At the international competition, championships, cups and championships of USA the senior judges
    and supervisor can be international referees of extra class or A-class.
  18. Referees who have been through a traineeship can be admitted work at the competition, but they
    should comprise no more than 30% of the tal amount of referees.
    Article 22. Chief referee and deputy chief referee
  19. The chief referee manages the running of the competition and is responsible before the organisation
    which is in charge of the competition and the corresponding federation of Universal fight for
    ensuring that it takes place in accordance with the present rules and the Regulations.
  20. The deputy chief referee is appointed by the chief referee from the referee’s board. He only obeys
    the chief referee and acts in accordance with his orders. If the chief referee is absent at the
    competition then his deputy acts on his behalf.
  21. The chief referee is responsible for:
    a. checking that the premises and equipment are ready for the competition and correspondent the
    demands of the present Rules, complete the quality control report of the premises (see appendix
    9), and making sure that all the necessary certificates and record forms are available;
    b. appointing the referees teams which are in charge of weighing;
    c. carrying out of the draw of the participants, and also for allocating the strongest fighters in
    d. allocating the referees in teams;
    e. confirming the schedule of the competition;
    f. taking all possible measures avoid mistakes being made by the referees, and, where necessary,
    correcting mistakes;
    g. taking a decision according the team representatives’ requests in accordance with Article 37
    (in the absence of supervisor);
    h. holding meetings of the referees board, with the participation of team representatives, before
    the competition ( announce the programme and order of work for the referees board) and at the
    end of each day ( discuss the progress of the competition and the day’s results, and also in
    situations throughout the competition if the need arises;
    i. allocating fighters in pairs for holding the finals, and appointing teams of referees for the
    j. assessing the activity of each member of referees board (taking in account the opinion of his
    immediate superior), the assessment should be made on the basis of the 5 point system;
    k. handing in a report (see appendix 10.1) the organisation which is in charge of the competition,
    at the required time.
  22. The chief referee has the right:
    a. postpone the competition if the equipment or premises do not meet the requirements of the
    b. interrupt match, announce a break and sp the competition if something creates impediments
    the normal running of the competition;
    c. if necessary, change the programme and the schedule of the competition, and change the order
    of the fighters’ performance;
    d. change referees’ duties during the competition;
    e. suspend from duties those referees who make serious mistakes or who are not fulfilling their
    f. disqualify from the match or the competition those participants which are indicated in Article
    g. reprimand, warn or suspend from their duties team representatives (captains) and seconds
    who are rude, argue with referees, or make unfounded declarations;
    h. withhold the declaration of the assessment of the obstacle strip, technical actions or results of a
    fight, if referees differ in their views or if he disagrees with their decision. This allows for
    further discussion before the final decision.
  23. It is mandary for fighters, referees, seconds, representatives and coaches obey the orders of chief
  24. The supervisor makes the decisions on the protest by the team representatives, evaluates the quality
    of the officiating by the board of judges.
    The chief referee is not entitled bring in any changes in the Regulations of the competition, or suspend or
    replace a referee while fighters are clearing obstacles strip or fighting in the ring.
    Article 23. The chief secretary and deputy chief secretary
  25. The chief secretary supervises the working of the secretariat, which prepares and arranges all the
    necessary documentation for the competition. Upon his orders or when he is absent, the deputy chief
    secretary acts on his behalf.
  26. The chief secretary is responsible for the following:
    a) participating in the work of the mandate committee and a referees team responsible for weighing in
    of fighters
    b) participating in the draw of fighters
    c) making a competition schedule
    d) arranging the order of rounds
    e) making reports of matches
    f) controlling the performance of the records
    g) performing orders and instructions of the chief referee
    h) recording the results of matches and presents them chief referee be signed
    i) upon permission of the chief referee, giving information team representatives, information officers
    and journalists
    j) checking the results of matches in fighters’ ID, where their positions should be indicated, and
    making notes about knock-outs received
    k) assessing the working of referees of the secretariat on a 5 point scale
    l) giving all the necessary data the chief referee for the final report
    Article 24. The chief of the ring
  27. The chief of the referee team working on the ring (chief of the ring) performs the functions of chief
    referee in his ring if the competition takes place in 2 or more rings.
  28. During the competition chief of the ring is sits at the referee desk and directs the working of the referee
    team of the ring.
  29. The duties of the chief referee are as follows:
    a) he forms referees teams for each match, trying preserve objectivity (e.g. a referee cannot come from
    a team which has members participating in the competition, and there cannot be two referees
    belonging the same team)
    b) he calls participants the ring and presents them the spectators (if an information officer is not
    c) taking in account the opinion of the referees, he announces the assessment of the wrestlers’ actions
    given by the referees. make the announcement he uses special terms and gestures (see appendix 11).
    d) if there are serious discrepancies in the referees’ opinion, he sps the match and announces the final
    decision after an extra discussion of the situation with the referees
    e) in the absence of the score at the end of the round he organises a vote of the referee board establish
    the most active fighter of the competition
    f) if one of the fighters is knocked down on the demand of the referee calls doctor in the ring.
    g) he announces the results of a match (in the absence of the information officer)
    h) he registers the presence of referees at the competition and records results of their work
    i) he assesses the work of each referee working at the ring on the basis of 5 grades.
    Article 25. The referee
  30. During matches in the ring before the beginning of a match the referee should be inside the ring at the
    ropes on the side of the ring opposite the one where there is a referees’ desk. While in the ring the
    referee directs the strip of a match and checks that the Rules are strictly observed. do so, the referee uses
    established terms and gestures (see appendix 11).
  31. The referee’s duties are as follows:
    a) he gives a signal for the beginning of a match (or round) and for the resumption of the match in the
    middle of the ring after a break
    b) he takes part in announcing the results of a fight
  32. The referee interrupts the match by saying “Sp” in the following cases:
    a) The fighters find themselves “out of the ring”.
    b) 5 seconds after gripping his opponent while standing, a fighter performs no technical actions
    c) When fighting in a lying position, for 5 seconds neither competitor initiates a suffocating or
    pain-inducing stroke.
    d) 20 seconds after the grip perform a pain-inducing or suffocating stroke these technical actions do not
    bring about the surrender of the adversary.
    e) After a controlled punch from the adversary one of the fighters loses the ability defend and continue
    the match (knock down or a possible knock down). This is accompanied by the referee’s beginning
    count the seconds necessary for the fighter resre his ability fight (he counts out loud from 1 8).
    f) One of the fighters needs medical assistance or there is a problem with the fighters’ outfit or
    equipment. This is accompanied by the gesture meaning “hold up the time”. If there are injuries he
    must call the doctor the ring and be next the injured fighter while the doctor tends the fighter.
    g) A fighter violates the rules or he performs a forbidden stroke and needs be reprimanded or warned.
    h) There is a gong signal announcing that the time has come for the end of the match. Additionally the
    referee interrupts the fight by command “sp”.
    i) The chief of the ring asks him say “sp”.
    j) The side referee asks him say “sp”, and the referee considers it possible.
    k) A fighter asks him say “sp”, and the referee considers it possible.
    l) He needs advice about cases not mentioned in the regulations.
  33. The referee sps the match in the following cases:
    a) when there is a gong signal stating the end of the match
    b) when there is a signal announcing the surrender of a fighter who is caught in a painful or suffocating
    c) when there was fixed an knock-out, if after a controlled punch the fighter lost his ability protect
    himself and continue the match and he never managed recover after the referee had counted up 10
    d) when there is a technical “knock-out”
    e) if he considers that during a match between juniors and adults below the first rank one of the fighters
    was defeated by means of a suffocating or a pain-inducing stroke (i.e. the grip was made correctly,
    but it is not possible get out of and its continuation will result in injuries).
  34. As soon as one of the fighters starts a painful or suffocating stroke the referee must announce “Pain”
    (“suffocation”)! and accompany it by an appropriate gesture.
    When a fighter is carrying out a painful or a suffocation technique, which takes more than 20 seconds, the
    referee repeats the announcements of the timekeeper for the fighters. If the attacker does not reach the result
    aims at in 20 seconds, the referee announces “Not considered pain (or suffocation)!” and asks the fighters
    resume a standing position in the middle of the of the ring. He must do the same if the defender assumes a
    position in which the stroke of the attacker cannot be effective.
  35. If during fighting while lying the defender uses a forbidden move, the referee asks him sp the move and
    announces a warning without stopping the match. If the fighter does not obey him, the procedure repeats.
    If a third warning is necessary, the referee interrupts the match and disqualifies the fighter from the
    match, with the decision of the chief referee.
    Article 26. The side referee
  36. Before the beginning of the match side referees take their places behind the ropes on the sides of the ring,
    opposite each other. During the match they, gather with the referee, completely run the fight.
  37. A side referee individually assesses the actions of fighters, signalling his opinion with the help of special
    gestures (see appendix 11). He participates in the decision, taken by the chief of the ring at the end of the
    round, about who was the most active fighter.
  38. If the side referee considers that the match needs be interrupted, he attracts the referee’s attention
    pointing and indicates the problem.
    Article 27. The timekeeper
  39. The timekeeper times how long competitors take complete the obstacle strip, and how much, if any, time
    was spent on giving them medical assistance.
  40. During the match in the ring the timekeeper sits at the referees’ desk and times the rounds. Upon the
    referee’s command “Fight!” he starts his sp-clock. When a minute passes he informs the referees and the
    fighters about the time of the fighting, and when half of the match time expires, he informs the chief of
    the ring. He signals the end of the match by striking a gong.
  41. The timekeeper records the following upon the sp-clock:
    a) if the fighter is late appear in the ring he records the time when he arrives after the second (after 1
    min) call and announces the amount of time by which the fighter is late after 20 seconds, 40 seconds
    and 1 minute
    b) time of the match (between the commands “fight” and “sp”)
    c) time given for painful and suffocating strokes in the lying position (20 seconds)
    d) time spent by the fighters during the match on medical assistance and fixing equipment (see article 6
    e) Time of breaks between the rounds; 5sec before the end of the break he gives a signal “Seconds – out
    of the ring!”
  42. If the fighting was interrupted because of an injury, upon the referee’s signal, “Hold up the time” the
    timekeeper starts another sp-clock and announces the time used by the fighter after each minute expired.
  43. As soon as the referee announces “Pain (“suffocation”)!”, the timekeeper starts another sp-clock and
    announces the duration of the move every 5 seconds. When 20 seconds are up, the timekeeper announces
    “End of pain/suffocation!”.
  44. The sp-clock is reset at the end of the match only on the chief of the ring’s command.
    Article 28. The technical secretary
  45. The technical secretary records in the appropriate tables of the “Obstacle strip” record (see appendix 2.3)
    the results of the different stages of the obstacle strip, provided by the referees as those stages.
  46. During the ring fight the technical secretary sits at the referees desk next chief of the ring and records in
    the appropriate tables in the “Ring fight” section of the referees’ records the points given the participants
    for technical actions, warnings and points for the reprimands announced by chief of the ring during the
  47. All points given the participants during the match, e.g. points for violation of the rules, warnings, etc.
    have special definitions used for the records:
    X – clear victory
    3 – 3 points
    2 – 2 points
    1 – 1 point
    AR – activity according the referees’ decision
    P1 – 1 point for the 1st
    warning the adversary
    P2 – 2 points for the 2nd
    warning the adversary
    WX – withdrawal of the participant from the match for violation of the rules
    W – withdrawal of the participant from the competition for violation of the rules
    The sign “+” is written before the first points for technical actions.
    A clear victory is indicated by “X” with a clarification: pain-inducing stroke, knock out,
    knock down (2 or 3 knockdowns).
    If the competitor does not appear in the ring, then either “n/a” (non-appearance) or “w/d”
    (withdrawn on the doctor’s advice) is written against his name.
  48. When the round is over, the technical secretary:
  • Adds up the points received by each fighters for technical actions and warnings during the round
    and puts results in the record;
  • Hands over the match records chief of the ring establish and announce the winner of the round;
  • Puts the result in the register.
  1. When the match ends the technical secretary adds up in the records all the points that fighters have gained
    for winning rounds and hands over the records chief of the ring, who establishes and announces the
    results of the match.
    If the match finishes early, the result and time are recorded in the records. the left of the fighters’
    surnames a note is made of the time which was spent by the fighters on receiving medical aid and fixing
  2. The technical secretary then adds up all the points received by each fighter when clearing obstacles and
    during the match in the ring, records it in the records and hands it over the chief of the ring, who
    establishes and announces the result of the match.
    The name of the winner is circled. It is forbidden make any other notes in the records.
    Article 29. The board referee and the information officer
  3. The board referee records on the board all the points for technical actions and violations of rules, which
    are announced by the chief of the ring in the course of the match.
    If the referee at the board doubts whether he heard an announced point correctly, he must check it with
    chief of the ring.
    All points on the board at the end of the match are erased only at the order of the chief of the ring.
  4. The information officer is responsible for arranging radio information for the participants, representatives
    and spectators about the conditions, course and preliminary results of the competition. He must know the
    rules of the competition, and know about the sporting achievements of the teams and participants.
    The information officer:
    a. in due time announces the programme and the schedule of the competition, and the instructions of the
    board of referees in the course of the competition
    b. presents the participants at the beginning of matches, with a description of their sporting
    achievements, announces the results of matches, explains competition rules when necessary, and
    announces the best results in the course of the competition
    c. upon chief referee’s permission, announces the official results of a competition
  5. Depending on the nature of the information equipment, the functions of the referee at the board may be
    combined with the functions of the timekeeper or the technical secretary.
  6. If the absence of the information officer, the chief of the ring presents the referee team, issues calls the
    ring and presents pairs of fighters, and announces technical points during the match and the final results
    at the end of the match.
    Article 30. The participants’ referee
  7. The participants’ referee arranges the appearance of the participants at the place of competition and the
    award ceremony, forms sportsmen in a line for the parade, duly informs them about their order of
    appearance at matches, checks the surnames of participants in the records, checks that their equipment
    meets the requirements of the Regulations, and informs the chief secretary about all failures appear,
    resignations and dismissals of sportsmen from the competition.
    Article 31. The doctor at the competition
  8. The doctor at the competition is a member of the referee board and takes part in its work. He is
    considered the deputy chief referee in medical questions.
  9. The duties of the doctor at the competition include:
    a) checking applications, including the doctor’s certificate confirming that a fighter is fit participate
    in the competition
    b) arranging the external examination of the participants during the weighing procedure
    c) checking that hygiene standards are observed during competitions
    d) arranging medical check ups and observation of the fighters’ health during the competition
    e) granting help immediately in the ring, stating whether a participant is able continue with the fight
    and the competition, and immediately informing the chief referee about it and providing him with
    a corresponding certificate, which should be then passed the secretariat
    f) at the end of the competition he presents a report about the medical service during the competition
    indicating all cases of illness and injury (see appendix 10.2)
  10. The medical personnel and the place where they are should be clearly indicated by signs.
    Article 32. The manager of the competition
    The manager of the competition is responsible for:
    ● preparing and registering the competition’s place
    ● ensuring that the necessary sports equipment is available and in good condition
    ● ensuring that the premises are equipped with a radio system
    ● ensuring that the participants and the spectators are safe, shown their correct places, and
    provided with the services they require, maintaining order during the competition, and
    making arrangements when instructed do so by the chief referee and the representative of the
    organisation which is in charge of the competition
    Part VI. The rules of refereeing
    Article 33. Refereeing at the obstacle strip
  11. The work of the referees team at the obstacle strip:
  • 1 referee near the participants
  • 1 referee at the start and finish
  • 2 referees (1 in each direction) at the obstacle strip (checking that it is properly completed)
  • 2 referees (1 in each direction) at the firing range (checking that safety is observed during shooting and
  1. The obstacle strip is made up of 7-10 stages. Participants start at the signal from the referee-starter, and
    each one goes through the strip in own lane passing all the stages and finishes at the ring.
  2. If a competitor commits any serious violation of the rules, which obstructs his opponent or threatens his
    (the opponent’s) health, he may be disqualified from the competition.
  3. At the knife-throwing section, participants must use knives, which meet the standard requirements. The
    organisation, which is running the competition must provide the firearms used for shooting.
  4. Participants may have 3 attempts at clearing each obstacle, but if they fail all of these they have lost.
    Competitors who miss the target when throwing the knife or shooting are punished according article 10
    (p6) of the regulations.
    Article 34. Results of the obstacle strip
  5. The competitor who finishes first wins the obstacle strip. He receives 1 point for this.
  6. If a participant leaves the strip part way through, or fails appear at the ring after the strip, then he is
    considered have lost the obstacle strip, and the match finishes early, and a clear victory, in the relevant
    amount of time, is declared for his opponent.
  7. If the gap between the first and the second participants on the obstacle strip is more than half of the time
    the winner needed cover the distance, the looser is disqualified and the opponent is given the clear
    Article 35. Refereeing in the ring
  8. The competition in the ring is refereed by a team of referees including: the chief of the ring, a referee, 3
    side referees, a timekeeper, a technical secretary, the referee at the score-board and the participants’
  9. The referee runs the fight in the ring. He is responsible for the health of the fighters and for ensuring that
    the fight takes place according the regulations.
    Fighters’ actions are assessed by 3 referees – 3 side referees (hereafter referred as “the 3 referees”).
    The timekeeper, technical secretary, the referee at the scoreboard and the participants’ referee oversee the
    technical arrangement of the competition.
    The chief of the ring controls the working of the referee board and resolves any disputes, which arise
    during the match.
  10. The initial position of the referee is facing the referees’ desk. The initial position of the side referees is
    behind the ropes of the ring, on both sides of the ring. The other members of the referee board sit behind
    the referees’ desk.
  11. The beginning and the end of the match:
    a) before the match all referees take their position
    b) at the chief of the ring’s call fighters take the corners in the ring corresponding the colour of their
    c) a round starts at the referee’s command “Fight” and sps at the gong’s signal (a sound signal),
    accompanied by the referee’s command “Sp”
  12. The match is interrupted if:
    a) the fighters are “out of the ring”
    b) the situation may bring about dangerous injuries
    c) fighting in this situation is ineffective
    d) there is an injury or one of the fighters has a problem with his sports suit
    e) one of the fighters is in knock-down or knock-out
    f) one of the fighters receives a repeated reprimand
    g) the chief of the ring demands the match be interrupted
    h) one of the fighters asks for the match be interrupted
    i) the referees need consult with each other about a controversial situation
    If any of these situations arises then the referee on his own, taking in account all circumstances, decides
    on the moment at which the fight is interrupted, and aims do so without damage the attacker. After the
    problem is resolved, the fighting must be resumed in the middle of the ring.
    If there is a knock-out or a knock-down then the referee sends the attacker the neutral corner and begins
    counting, and the leader of the ring calls a doctor the ring.
    After the count of 8, the referee checks whether a fighter is able continue the match, assessing his
    condition by the reactions of his eyes, his ability stand, and his reaction glove contact from the referee.
    According the result of the checks, the referee gives the fighter the command “fight” or counts 10 and
    declares “knock-out”.
    If necessary, the doctor can sp the fight “for the inability of a fighter continue the fight” and immediately
    provide medical assistance.
  13. The limit of the time grant medical assistance the fighter is defined in article 6 p. 2’e’. If a fighter is not
    rested fighting ability in this time then he loses the match (as a result of his inability continue fighting)
    and a clear victory in the ring fight is conferred on his adversary.
  14. The assessment of the fighters’ actions during the match. The 3 side referees assess each of
    the fighters’ actions during the match, taking in account the condition of the fighters after the attack and
    all their technical moves. The referees use the established terms and gestures, and each one does this
    independently. Violations of the Regulations, except for going outside the limits of the ring, are also
    noted after the “Sp” command.
    If a technical action is made before the end of the round and leads a knock-down the referee open the
    score and technical action is evaluated depending on the athlete condition.
  15. If the referees differ in their opinion or there is the possibility of a mistake, which would
    affect the course or outcome of the match, then the chief of the ring must sp the fight and make a final
    decision after extra discussion the situation by the team of referees.
  16. If at the end of the round no points have been scored by either fighter except warnings, then
    the chief of the ring, if he has the majority opinion of the 3 referees, states which fighter was most active.
    (Active by the judges decision is indicated by “AR”.)
    This decision of the three referees is final and cannot be challenged by the main judge.
  17. When punishing fighters for violations of the rules, the referee:
    a. Is entitled reprimand the fighters without the agreement of the side referees
    b. When announcing a reprimand, must say what action the fighter is being punished for
    c. Is entitled reprimand a second, and even dismiss him, if his behaviour is hindering the normal running
    of the fight. In this case the referee may eject the second and give his fighter a warning.
  18. The fight should be stopped if:
    a. The time of the fight has expired
    b. One of the fighters gets a clear victory as a result of one of the following reasons:
  • The fighter attacked with a painful or suffocating stroke surrenders
  • There is a knock-out or “technical knock-out”
  • A painful or suffocating stroke is taken in consideration by the referee even if there was no surrender in
    matches between adult fighters ranking below 1 and between juniors (according art 25 p.4’e’)
  • One of the fighters cannot continue the match
  • One of the fighters is withdrawn from the match or competition.
  1. The timekeeper starts and sps the timekeeper in accordance with the commands and gestures
    of the referee, timing the match, breaks between rounds, the time used by the fighters receive medical
    assistance and resolve problems in their clothes, and the time taken by painful and suffocating strokes.
  2. The match ends early if one of the fighters achieves a “clear victory”.
    Article 36. The results of the round, the fight and the match
  3. The match in the ring can be ended by a clear victory, a victory in accordance with the number of points
    received or a defeat of both fighters.
  4. A clear victory is conferred the fighter in the following cases:
    a) he performs technical actions which are considered a clear victory(art.19 item2)
    b) a “technical knock-out”, when a fighter finds himself in a knock-down twice during the round or 3
    times during the match
    c) one of the fighters is unable continue the match
    d) one of the fighters is withdrawn from the fight (or the competition) or is disqualified for breaking
    the rules or for being technically unprepared
    e) one of the fighters fails appear at the ring upon the call
  5. When a victory is conferred for the greatest number of points, it is calculated by looking at which fighter
    has won the greatest number of rounds.
    In this case the victory in the round is conferred the fighter who:
  • has the greatest number of points for technical moves
  • in case of equal number of points the victory in the round is given the fighter who made the
    first evaluated technical action
  • was declared by the referees be the most active fighter in the round (AR)
    Fighters receive 1 point for each round that they win. The points gained by each fighter for winning rounds
    made up the tal for the ring fight.
  1. The fight ends in a draw if the fighters have won an equal number of rounds.
  2. The fight ends in the defeat of both fighters if they have both been withdrawn at the same time for
    breaking rules or sustain injuries not allowing continue the fight.
  3. A victory in a match can be clear or on the basis of points.
    A clear victory is given the fighter who:
  • Wins a clear victory in the obstacle strip
  • Wins a clear victory in the match in the ring
    The winner receives 5 points and the loser 0.
  1. A victory on the basis of points is given the fighter who in both events (the obstacle strip and the ring
    fight) gained the greatest number of points.
    Article 37. Appeals
  2. A written appeal can be offered in connection with a severe violation of the Regulations or in an unusual
  3. The procedure of making the appeal is as follows:
    a) An appeal is made by a representative (a coach or captain) of the team the chief referee of the
    competition (in the case of the absence of supervisor).
    b) An appeal about the results of the obstacle strip, fight or match is made no later than in 10 minutes
    after they have been announced, so the representative must immediately warn the person in charge of
    the event that he intends present a written appeal.
    c) An appeal about an unusual situation (a violation of the Regulations, the order of weighing or of the
    draw, composing pairs of the participants, misinformation by officials and so on) is made not later
    than 10 minutes after the situation becomes known. So that the chief referee (supervisor) has time
    take an immediate decision with minimum damage the course of the competition.
    d) The appeal must describe the reason why it is being made and refer the article of the Regulations,
    which has been violated.
    e) A sum of money established by the Federation for the particular rank of the competition must be
    included with the appeal.
  • world championship: US $300
  • continental championship: US $200
  • nationwide championship: US $100
  • international competition (urnament): US $50
  • regional competition: US$10
  1. Considering an appeal:
    a) An appeal is considered by the main referee (supervisor) with the involvement of the referees and
    people who have made the appeal about a violation of the rules. People of both sides of the
    argument thus take part in the discussion, but do not have the authority make a decision.
    b) A decision about the appeal is given on the day on which the appeal is made:
  • In the obstacle strip and the ring fight, it happens before the next stage or round
  • In team matches, it happens before the next individual match of the team in question
  • In other circumstances, the decision is taken in the periods of time allowed for correcting
    mistakes, so as affect the running and results of the competition as little as possible.
    c) If the chief referee (supervisor) deems it necessary, a video of the situation under consideration may
    be shown the referees.
    d) The chief referee (supervisor) makes a final decision, issues it in a written form and informs the
    affected parties of it.
    e) If the appeal is accepted, the sum of money is returned the appealing party.
    f) In the case of the negative decision on the protest, the monetary deposit remains on the account of
    the Federation.
    Part VII. Equipment of competition premises
    Article 38. The ring
  1. The competition should be held on a ground, which is no less than 8×8 metres, with a flat surface, which
    will not cause injuries during a match.
  2. On this ground a standard boxing ring should be installed, each side of which is no less than 6 metres.
    The area of the ring is marked by 3 or 4 ropes which are 3-5 cm thick, held tightly between 4 corner posts
    and fastened by two cross pieces made of dense cloth 3-4 cm thick. The cross pieces should not slide
    along the ropes. The distance between the corner posts and the ropes of the ring should be no less than 50
    cm. All the metal wires should be covered with a soft coating. The ropes should be wrapped in a soft
    white cloth and fastened gather in each corner with the help of bolsters, which are 20 cm wide and 5-7 cm
    thick. The bolsters and the ropes (for the length of 0.5 – 1 metre) should be red and blue in two opposite
    corners of the ring. The red corner should be near and the right of the referees’ desk. The first rope from
    the botm is tightened 40 cm above the floor, the second one – 80 cm, and the p one – 130 cm. With 4
    ropes the lower is tightened 40 cm above the floor, the second – 70 cm. The third – 100 cm, the fourth –
    132 cm.
    The ring floor should be flat and well fixed. It should be covered with an elastic cover no less than 5 cm
    thick (this could consist in wrestling cover mats, tatami, etc.) which is covered by a coat of stretched plastic
    (or any other suitable material). The floor surface of the ring should be in one piece with the surface of the
    attached surface, which should be no less than 0.5 m wide. The limits of the working part of the ring surface
    should be marked with a white stripe 10 cm wide, which represents a horizontal projection of its side ropes.
  3. If the ring is installed on a podium, then the size of the podium should be such that the distance from the
    ropes the edge of the podium is no less than 1.0 metre. On the opposite sides of the podium there should
    be steps for the fighters and their seconds, and in a neutral corner there should be steps for the doctor and
    the referee.
  4. In the red and blue corners of the ring there should be no less than 1 sol, vessels with water, glasses and
    bins. Plastic bags should be fixed the posts of the neutral corner on the outer side of the ring, for wads
    used by the doctor and the referee.
  5. Next the ground but no closer than 2 metres the ring there should be a referee’s desk. On the desk there
    must be a gong or some sound signal device and 2 sp-clocks.
  6. During competitions indoors, the distances between the ropes of the ring and the walls or other objects
    should be no less than 2 metres.
  7. The degree of lighting in the ring should be 1000 lux. The ring must be lit from above. Side lighting is
    not allowed.
  8. Spectators must be no closer than 3 metres the ropes of the ring.
  9. The chief referee must check that the ring is suitable for competitions.
    of the ring for the universal fight competition
    Article 39. The obstacle strip
  10. Start.
  11. Labyrinth: L=4-2m, width – 2m, passages of the labyrinth – 0,5m.
  12. Fence: H=2m, L=3m.
  13. Horizontal tube: L=3m, d=0.8m.
  14. Hand ladder: H=2.5m, L=4m, width=0.5-0.6m.
  15. Reserve space for another obstacle.
  16. Shooting (pneumatic, paintball).
  17. Throwing knife (throwing tennis ball).
  18. Beam: H=0.9-1.0m, L=5m, sloping board =1.3m, width of p=0.2-0.25m.
  19. Sloping net: H=6m, L=10m, sloping at 60° angle, hole d=0.7m.
  20. Rope: H=6m.
  21. Ring 6x6m.
    Article 40. Requirements for the competition premises
  22. The fact of the natural lighting of the hall should be 1:5, 1:6, artificial lighting – no less than 600 lux. The
    ring should be lighted from above with the help of the reflected or disperse light lamps with a protective
  23. During the competition the temperature in the hall should be between +15 and +25°C and humidity
    should be no less than 60%. Ventilation should change the air three times each hour.
  24. For competitions in the open air the temperature should be between +15 and +25°C. The ground should
    be protected from direct sunlight.
  25. The distance from the ropes the walls or any other objects should be no less than 2.0 metres.
  26. Spectators should be no closer than 3.0 metres the sports ground.
  27. The chief referee, representatives of the sports building, and the main doctor of the
    competition check that the premises are suitable for the competition and record their decision in a special
    document (see appendix 9).
    Article 41. Sound signal, scales, sp-clocks
  28. A sound signal (gong) can be of any type, but with a good sound.
  29. The scales for weighing the participants should be in order and properly tuned. The number of scales for
    weighing the participants is established by referees the board.
  30. Sp-clocks, electrical or not, should have a device for spping and starting without taking off the minute
    and second showings before the end of the match.
    Article 42. The score-board
  31. A score-board (and electrical score-board) which indicates match results and the number of points
    received by each fighter during the competition is installed for the information of spectators about the
    development of the match as well as for the referees board.
  32. The surface of the score-board should be white, where pink and light blue circles with dark red and dark
    blue figures on them can be clearly seen.
  33. Figures and letters are shown on the circles in accordance with article 27 which correspond the points
    given for the technical actions of wrestlers and warnings received by them during the match.
    “3”, “2”, “1” – points for technical actions
    “AR” – activeness, based on the judgement of the referees
    “P1”, “P2” – points for the 1st
    and 2nd
    warnings the adversary
  34. The circles, which have a diameter of 9 cm, are made of cardboard, veneer (or plywood) or plastic. They
    are fixed on the board in lines, 5 circles in each line, with an interval of 12cm so that the upper line is
    occupied by the circles with marks “2” and “3”, and the next two lines are taken up by the circles with a
    mark “1” and “AR”. The distance between these rows is 12cm. The botm row serves indicate points for
    warnings and is 15cm away from the upper ones.
  35. A blue stripe approx. 1,5cm wide is drawn along the contur of the score-board and vertically
    in the middle. Pink circles with red figures are placed on the left half of the score-board and light blue
    circles with dark blue figures are placed on the right half of the score-board.
  36. The score-board is 150cm x 100cm. It should be installed vertically so that its lower edge is
    1.0 metre above the floor.
    Appendix 1
    Structure and contents “Regulations of the competitions”
  37. Competition Regulations approved by the organisation, which is in charge of the competition, along with
    the Competition Rules, are the main document, which the referee board and participants follow. This
    document must not contradict the existing Rules. If it does the referee board must be guided by the Rules.
  38. Points of the Regulations should be clearly formulated so that there is no ambiguity.
  39. Structure of “Regulations of the competitions”:
    I. General paragraphs of the Regulations
  40. Introduction. List of decisions and documents of the leading borders as a basis for the competitions.
  41. Targets of the competitions
  42. Calendar (for a year, period) of the competitions (in a form of a table): name of the competitions, age
    group, code of the sports discipline, terms of the competitions, place of the competitions, number of
  43. Provision of safety of the participants and spectators.
  44. Insurance of the participants.
    II. For each competition calendar
  45. Ranking of the competitions according EBCK following the targets and tasks, as well as the character
    identification of the winners (individual, team, individual-team, team test).
  46. Organizers and carrying-out organizations – content of the organizational committee, of the referees
    board (upon availability).
  47. Demands the participants and conditions of their admittance: rank, age, level of the sports preparation,
    quantity of the team, etc.
  48. The daily competitions programme, including the arrival date and date of departure. The order of the
    draw, the carrying-out system.
  49. The conditions of the results summary.
  50. Awarding.
  51. Finance conditions, including the amount of the start payment.
  52. Applications. Form. Terms of applications.
    Additional information (costs of living, eating, contact phones, the way of arriving, etc.).
    Any changes and additions the Regulations of the competition can be introduced only by the organisation
    approved them but this should be done before the beginning of the draw. All the participating teams or
    participants themselves should be duly informed about the changes.
  53. Participants must pay for participate in the competition.
    Appendix 2.1
    The system of carrying-out the competitions of
    Universal fight
    I. The order of carrying out the competitions
  54. During the draw all the participants are divided in two groups – A (odd) and B (even). The order number
    of each fighter is established according the results of the draw immediately after he has been weighed, or
    at the end of the weighing procedure, and he keeps it the end of the competition.
  55. Preliminary matches within each group are carried out in accordance with the system of quitting the
    match after the first defeat. The winning participant moves the next round of the competitions.
  56. The final part of the competition involves a match of the participants for first, second and third place.
    II.The order of making pairs and allocating places
  57. Pairs of the first round (the introduction round) and all the following rounds of the preliminary part of the
    competitions are fixed in accordance with the results of the draw and the scheme of appendix 2.2.
  58. The final of the competition involves fighters who have lost no round in their subgroup (A1 and B1).
    Fighters who have lost in the semi-final (A2 and B2) fight for third place.
  59. The places of the rest of fighters who are out of the competitions are established in accordance with the
    stage at which they left the competition. Those who leave the competition at the same round share the
    corresponding places.
    Appendix 2.2. The form of the minutes of the competitions.
    Weight________ City___________
    Chief referee_________
    Chief secretary__________
    Appendix 2.3.
    Minutes of the individual fights
    _______200 Сity________
    Weight___________kg Ring__________
    Belt Nam
    Rank Year
    Strip R O U N D
    1 2 3 4 5
  60. Obstacles strip
    of the
    P o i n t s f o r p a s s i n g stage s
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
    Time Result
    2.Hand–hand fighting in the ring
    of suit
    round Points for
    performance and
    Sum of
    Time of
    the round
    Result of
    the round
    Red 1
    Red 2
    Red 3
    Red 4
    Red 5
    Appendix 3.
    The determination of the of the results of the team championship
    I. In team competitions
  61. Team competitions are carried out in accordance with the system of quitting after the first defeat with
    play-off for the third place between the teams, which lose in the semi-finals.
  62. The number of team members, the weight categories in which they should participate, and the possibility
    of replacement of participants during the competition are established by the Regulations.
  63. The minimum quantity of the team should be more than half of the full team. A participant who was
    announced take part in a match but failed appear in the ring is considered have missed the match and is
    out of the competition. Results of matches of the team members are recorded in the records.
    Records of UNIFIGHT team competition
    _____20 City_____
    Team__________ Team______________
    Weight Name/points Points Result
    Points Name/points
    65 P 0 – 0 P
    1 2 3 1 2 3
    70 P 0 – 0 P
    1 2 3 1 2 3
    . ………………………………………………………………………..
  • 90 P 0 P
    1 2 3 1 2 3
    tal score of the competition __in favour of the team________________
    Chief referee___________________
    Chief secretary_______________________
  1. During a team competition the team receives 1 point for the victory of each of its members in a pair, and
    0 points for defeats or absence of a participant. If the team does present any participant or if he fails
    appear in the ring the adversary obtains a clear victory with 00 min 00 sec timing.
    A team received the greatest amount of points, is considered be the winner of the team match.
    If teams have equal number of points, then advantage is held by the team which has:
    a) the greatest amount of final points received by all the team members in all the rounds
    b) the greatest amount of clear victories in individual matches
    c) the smallest amount of time in which these victories were gained
    d) the greatest amount of points received for victories in the ring
    e) the greatest amount of victories, judged by points, received in the obstacles strip.
    If the results of the team competition are equal, the team that has won a match of the heaviest weight
    category is considered be the winner of the competition.
  2. Winning of the team competition gives a team an opportunity participate in matches in the next round.
  3. When making up team pairs and allocating final places the teams which were withdrawn
    from the competition, appendix 2.1 of part II is used.
  4. If teams from which fighters have been withdrawn on the doctor’s advice end up consisting
    of fewer competitors than is allowed by the Rules (see p. 2) then the place is given according the result
    which the team had at the moment when the last fighter was withdrawn (i.e., the moment when the team
    became o small).
    The team is not given any place if it became o small because of the non-appearance of the fighters at the
    weighing procedure or if they were withdrawn from the competition by the chief referee for violating the
    II. In individual-team championships
  5. In individual-team championships team places are allocated in accordance with the individual results of
    fighters who are part of the team. The composition of teams and the amount of participants in each
    weight category is indicated in the Championship’s Regulations. Otherwise, each team should have one
    participant in each weight category.
  6. Team places in individual-team championships are established in accordance with the following:
  • Either by the greatest amount of points received by participants according the principle “the more points
    the better place”
  • Or by the least amount of penalty points given each weight category each participant, taking in
    consideration the place he was given and in accordance with the principle: 1 place = 1 point, 2 place = 2
    points, and so on. In the latter case the team must present the full number of participants. The team
    receives an extra penalty point for each test participant who fails appear. The number of such points is
    equal the number of the participants in the weight category in which the test participant failed appear (or
    in the weight category with the largest number of participants) plus one penalty point.
  1. When two or more teams have an equal amount of points the advantage is given the team in which the
    participants have consequently:
    a) the greatest amount of first, second etc. places
    b) the greatest amount of participants in those weight categories where first places are occupied by
    participants; the greatest amount of victories won by test participants; the highest quality of these
    victories and defeats
    c) the greater amount of participants in those weight categories where test fighters were given second
    places and so on
    If a weight category was represented by only one fighter there is no competition held, but he receives points
    corresponding the first place for the team championship.
  2. Results of the individual-team competition are recorded in a records (appendix 4):
    Appendix 4
    Minutes of the team championship results
    _______200 City__________
    place team Number
    of points
    P o i n t s o f w e i g h t categories Remarks
    Chief referee_______________
    Chief secretary______________________
    Appendix 5
    (chief of the leading organization)
    200 Application from the organisation________ participate in the ________________________
    (name of the competitions)
    (country name)
    № Name Date
    Coach Doctor’s
    10 Team
    tal amount of participants admitted the competition upon health conditions
    _______________persons _______________________ (___)
    signature of chief doctor of sports health centre and stamp
    President of the Federation __()
    Appendix 6
    Minutes of the weighing and casting lots
    № №
    as per

    Rank/title Date of
    Weight Remarks
    Chief referee_______________
    Chief secretary______________
    Appendix 7
    Equipment of the participants
    -A jacket (kimono or sambo jacket) and trousers
    -Open gloves
    -Protective helmet
    -Protective shields the ankle
    -Protective shells
    Appendix 8
    Calculation of the required number of referees and servicing staff (in one space)
    Title Calculation
    For 1 ring For 2 rings
    Chief referee 1 1
    Deputy chief referee 1 1
    Chief of the ring 2 4
    Chief secretary 1 1
    Deputy chief
    1 1
    Technical secretary 1 2
    Referee 2 4
    Side referee 6 12
    Timekeeper 1 2
    Participant referee 1 2
    Score-board referee 1 2
    Information officer 1 1
    Obstacle strip
    10 10
    Doctor 1 2
    Nurse 1 2
    Typist 1 2
    Manager 1 1
    tal: 33 50
    If the competition lasts more than 2 hours then there must be 2 extra referees and 6 extra side referees for
    each ring.
    Appendix 9
    Act of acceptance of the competition premises
    _______200 city__________
    This is carried out by the chief referee, the representative of the sports building and the doctor confirm that
    the place corresponds (does not correspond) the requirements of the Rules of the universal fight
    Address of the place:
    Chief referee_______________
    Representative of the sports building______________
    Appendix 10.1
    Report of the competitions Chief referee
  3. Organisation of the competition:
    a) name of the competition
    b) date of the competition
    c) city and place of the competition
    d) sports organisation in charge of organising and carrying out the competition
    e) the order of carrying out the competition as it was planned, how it was carried out, reasons for any
    f) evaluation of the organisation of the competition (admittance of the participants, competition places,
    food, etc.)
    g) conclusions and suggestions with regard the organisation of future competitions
  4. Public awareness of the competition:
    a) contents and evaluation of the work carried out in connection with publicising the competitions
    (posters, media coverage of the competition, reports, radio reports for spectators about the
    development of the competitions)
    b) number of spectators present at the competitions
  5. Participants of the competition (data of the mandate committee):
    a) number of participants admitted the competitions
    b) actual amount of participants who ok part in the competitions, including the numbers in the different
    weight categories
    c) number of participants from each sporting organisation
    d) rank of the competitors
    e) the number of participants withdrawn from the competitions by the referees board, including cases of
    non-appearance (of individuals) and of withdrawal on the advice of the doctor (of individuals)
    f) details of the documents presented the mandate committee (by different organisations)
  6. Sports assessment of the competition:
    How many participants met the standards of Master of Sport and Apprentice Master of Sport, taking in
    account number of victories in the competition.
  7. Refereeing:
    a) the composition of the referees board (with an indication of the category of each referee and a
    description of his duties)
    b) assessment of the refereeing as a whole and of each referee individually; indication of the best
    c) number and evaluation of the applications received, those which were accepted and rejected
    d) suggestions in regards changing and clarifying the Rules, as well as of the system of organising and
    holding the competitions
  8. The attachment the report:
    a) competitions Regulations
    b) team applications for participation
    c) files of the mandate committee and CV forms of the participants
    d) records of weighing and the draw
    e) records of the competitions
    f) records of the individual and team championships
    g) applications and decisions upon them
    h) act of the acceptance of the competition premises
    i) report of the competitions doctor
    Appendix 10.2
    Medical assistance report
  9. Sport – Universal Fight

  1. Name of the competition ____________________________________
  2. Number of days ____from ”________20
  3. Place____________________________________________
  4. Name and category of chief referee ____________________________________
  5. Number of participants (men, women) ____________________________________
  6. Weather and sanitary conditions of the competition

  1. Results of checking the medical documentation

  1. Short description of the place of the competition, distribution of the participants, and food for the
    participants ____________________________________

  1. Organisation of the medical service at the places of competition and at the sportsmen’s premises
    (first-aid post, transport means) ______________________
  2. Illnesses and injuries (reasons, type, assistance granted)

  1. Number of participants withdrawn from the competition

  1. Shortcomings in the organisation of the competition

  1. Suggestions made by the doctor and agreed by the referees board and team representatives

  1. Name, profession and work-place of the medical staff at the competition

Chief doctor___________________
Appendix 11
Fighter’s ID

  1. A fighter’s ID is the main document confirming that the sportsman belongs a sports organisation, his
    sports rank, and the results of his participation in the competition and his medical check up.
  2. The passport of the fighter includes the following:
    ● name of the sports organisation issued the ID, a picture of the fighter, a stamp, full name of the
    fighter, date of birth, date when he began universal fight training, marks of sports ranks, signature
    of the head of the organisation issued the ID, names of the sportsman’s coach(es), and signature of
    the executive secretary of the Federation, and the Federation’s official stamp
    ● notes confirming regular check-ups, in-depth medical check-ups, doctor’s permission for
    admittance the competition
    ● participation in the competition, date, weight category, results
    ● data about knock-outs in the past, notes of the medical board about time and results of treatment
    ● notes about a participant changing from one sports organisation another
    Appendix 12
    Terms and gestures
    of referees in the ring at UNIFIGHT competitions
    № Term
    Description of gestures
    1 Clear victory Stretch up the hand with your palm forward
    2 3 points Raise your hand bent at the elbow showing 3
    fingers – thumb, middle and forefinger
    3 2 points Raise your hand bent at the elbow showing 2
    fingers – thumb and forefinger
    4 1 point Raise your hand bent at the elbow showing a
    Raise your hand bent at the elbow, make a fist
    technique Grip the wrist at chest level
    7 Reprimand Point upwards with the forefinger of the arm bent
    at the elbow
    8 First warning Point up the side with the forefinger of the arm
    stretched from behind the head
    Point up the side with the forefinger and the
    middle finger of the arm stretched from behind the
    10 Withdrawal
    from the match
    Point horizontally the side with a forefinger of the
    arms stretched from the opposite shoulder
    11 Equal
    Raise your arms the chest level and move fists
    meet each other
    12 Ineffective Move your arms the sides, palms facing the floor
    13 Below beltline Move your hand below belt line with the palm
    14 Note the time
    One hand horizontally with the palm down at face
    level, the other vertically moved from below with
    the edge forward
    Stretch the arm forward at shoulder level, make a
    fist and hold it palm-down
    16 Result of the
    match Move your arm the winner’s side, palm upwards
    Gestures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 15, 16 are be made with an arm in an armband of a colour corresponding the colour
    of the belt of the fighter who has performed a assessed technique or a punch, or the one who won the match
    in the ring.
    Gestures 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15 are be made with an arm in an armband of a colour corresponding the colour of
    the belt of the fighter who has violated the rules or was punished in one of the above mentioned ways.
    Gestures 11,12, 14 do not mark out any of the fighters
    *) t, f, m – thumb, fore-finger, middle finger correspondingly.