Tavan Competiion Rules

About Semi – Controlled Style :

This type of competition has been designed due to more safety and health of the athletes and any kick to the head area with foot is forbidden and the competition is a combination of foot and hand techniques. In this competition, boxing glove is used. Tavan semi-controlled competition is hold in standard mat and ring.

About Top Tavan Style :

In these Competitions, hitting the head by hand is prohibited and open-fingered gloves are used. The competition consists of a mixture of hand and leg techniques and grabbing the opponent.  A mixed competition is held on a standard Tatami .

About Form (Kata) Style :

Form is a set of regular and precise movements including standing, moving arms and legs, and displacement which are planned earlier and are performed either by an individual competitor or by team. In other words, a fight with an imaginary opponent by mixed arm and leg techniques which are fast and precise.

Objective: To learn and practice techniques in movements properly, keeping body balance, manner of proper position of body, improvement of personal skills, to demonstrate balance and nicety in movements, coordination of body and mind, self-confidence and control.

About Competition Using Stick :

1- Stretch with two hands in seating state from front using wood: in this state, an erect and hard and appropriate wood is placed between two persons, and each person grab the wood strictly with two hand. The hands are fully stretched. The sole is stacked together, the hip is on the ground. Both persons pull wood at the same time. Each person that stand up will lose point.

2- stretch in form of standing up with two hands from front using wood: in this state, an erect and hard and appropriate wood is placed between two persons. Two persons stay beside one line and start pulling each other at the same time and try to pass the other person from the line by keeping their balance.

3- stretch in stand up state with two hand from front using wood: in this state, an erect and hard and appropriate wood is placed between two persons. Two persons stay beside one line and start pulling each other at the same time to pass the other person from the line.

About Self Defens Style :

Personal defense or self-defense is the series of techniques which are used by a person to protect his/her own health and property or those of others.

About Cold Weapons Style :

Competition area is 10×10 sqm. There will be no tables / chairs or objects within ringside